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Team EL council of Krypton

Forum officiel de la Team EL, conseil de Krypton sur Terre et représentant de Superman
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 An Iron You Can Not Miss -- Ping G20

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Nombre de messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2012

An Iron You Can Not Miss -- Ping G20  Empty
MessageSujet: An Iron You Can Not Miss -- Ping G20    An Iron You Can Not Miss -- Ping G20  Icon_minitimeLun 9 Avr - 11:53

After Ping released the newdiscount G20 irons at best price, the new irons begin to occupy the market quickly. They are designed with a thinner face, a wider sole, and a strong loft to provide nice performance, superior distance control, great accuracy and forgiveness.

The cavity's floating CTP structure stabilizes the face and the aluminum badge with elastomer heel and toe sections produces a solid feel and sound. The CTP reinforces a 10% thinner face and controls distances while saving weight, which was added to the back flange of the deeply cut, multi-cavity head to increase the moment of inertia. Consistent yardage gapping is a key benefit of the G20 set, which includes high-launching long irons that maximize the overall range and predictability of a player's set.

They own the thinner can lighter face which can allow four grams to be shifted more rearward in the head. Then it can provide higher ball flight and more carry with the long irons. The many Ping G irons own the custom tuning port, but the G20 irons at discount price for sale strengthened this feature,it can expand the perimeter weighting and increase the MOI, then for more forgiveness.
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An Iron You Can Not Miss -- Ping G20
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